Information on the processing of personal data

Before you give your consent in the sign-up form, we are obligated to inform about the processing of personal data based on Databeskyttelsesforordningen.

We are obligated to inform you about the details of our processing of your data and furthermore inform you about your rights in reference to this.


Legal basis

Our processing of personal data is based on article 6, paragraph 1, item a (consent) of Databeskyttelsesloven.

The data will be stored safely with Aarhus Kommune for as long as you wish to receive news from Tech City Aarhus. Your data will be deleted permanently if you choose to unsubscribe. The information will not be shared with others and data will exclusively be processed by Aarhus Kommune Erhverv.


Your rights

You have the right to request insight in the information we hold about you.

You have the right to request eligibility or deletion of the information.


Who is using your information?

The data responsible is part of Aarhus Kommune and your personal data is processed only by:


Data responsible:

Borgmesterens Afdeling
Erhverv og Bæredygtig Udvikling
Aarhus Kommune Erhverv

Rådhuspladsen 2
8000 Aarhus C

Telephone: +45 89 40 22 00


If you have any questions in connection to the processing of your data by Aarhus Kommune, please contact the advisor of data protection of Aarhus Kommune at:

Finally, we will inform you that it is possible to address a complaint to Datatilsynet about our processing of personal data at:

Host specifications

To support the initiative of developing and strengthening the tech industry professional networking events will be held at least once a month. The events will be hosted by the tech businesses participating in Tech City Aarhus and have a duration of about two hours.


The hosting business will decide the theme and the maximum number of participants (min. 30 participants) as well as the level of hospitality which the hosting businesses will account for themselves. The hosting business will also account for and be responsible for the opportunity of online attendance if chosen.

Mand Til Oplæg Om Tech (2)

Technical specifications

TEC5 events feature talks from the company's own specialists or external speakers invited by the company. The presentations can last between 20 min. and up to 1 hour and cannot include direct promotion or advertisement for the hosting business. The event can have one speaker or include several shorter speaks. All programs must include time for networking and dialog about the subject.


Tech City Aarhus recommends the hosting businesses to give the participants the opportunity of online attendance at all TEC5 events. If you choose to do so, it is important to underline this opportunity in the invitation as well as making sure you have the right set up for online streaming. Should you not have the right set up, we recommend that you contact a partner that owns sufficient equipment. The hosting business will account for the expenses of online streaming themselves.


No streaming

Should you choose not to livestream the event, Tech City Aarhus recommends you to record the event and send it to us. We will upload the video to our Youtube channel for you to watch again or others to watch later in case they were unable to attend the event.

Host application

Fill in the Host Application form if you want to be a part of the initiative and host a Tech City Aarhus network meeting/TEC5-event.