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Andreas Petersen Bankdata Event Tiny




8:30- 10:00

Åbogade 15
8200 Aarhus N

Andreas Petersen, Software Developer and Scrum Master at Bankdata

Scalable end-to-end testing of web applications with Selenium Grid

As an application grows in size and complexity, so does the tests for it. Writing end-to-end tests is an important part of testing an application, but it can quickly become time consuming to develop, maintain and execute.


In this session we will delve into how we can write scalable end-to-end tests. By testing the right things at the right levels in the testing pyramid, we ensure that our end-to-end tests do not grow uncontrollably. Even so, end-to-end tests tend to take longer to execute. We will therefore also be looking into how we can execute Selenium end-to-end tests in parallel, drastically lowering the overall execution time, ensuring fast feedback.


We will use a web application developed at Bankdata as an example of tests on each level. Examples will be in Java and TypeScript, where we will be using Junit, Quarkus Integration tests, Cypress, and Selenium tests. However, the principles can be applied to any language and framework.


Sign up for the event here: Scalable end-to-end testing of web applications with Selenium Grid


This event is planned and hosted by Destination AArhus