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Data responsible:

Borgmesterens Afdeling
Erhverv og Bæredygtig Udvikling
Aarhus Kommune Erhverv

Rådhuspladsen 2
8000 Aarhus C

Telephone: +45 89 40 22 00


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Calling all tech startups: Bring your innovative citizen service solutions for young people

Tech Savvy icon Calling all tech startups: Bring your innovative citizen service solutions for young people

Aarhus Municipality is looking for a technological solution that can revolutionize the way they deliver citizen services to children and young people. The aim is to make the municipality’s information more accessible, understandable and personal for young people, their parents, educators, teachers and other caregivers. The central focus is on creating a guided and segmented experience based on age, which also takes into account linguistic and cultural variations.

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This is where TechCircle comes in. As Central Jutland’s digital innovation hub, TechCircle was created to accelerate the development and implementation of competitive, green and innovative digital solutions. TechCircle sees opportunities to utilize machine learning and other forms of artificial intelligence. If the project gets the green light, it will trigger an EU grant of €12,500.


Overwhelming encounter with the public sector

Young people face many different challenges when communicating with public authorities. This applies both to vulnerable young people who already face special challenges, and to the 13-year-old who has just got their first after-school job and has to navigate the tax system, MitID and other public platforms.

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Therefore, there is both a practical need to focus on this age group, who are often labeled as ‘digital natives’, but who can actually have real challenges in understanding and using public services. In addition, there is a wider societal challenge. The fewer young people who are familiar with the tasks that public authorities solve, the greater the risk of a weakened understanding of how Danish society works, which can affect the cohesion of society.

With the challenge, Tech Circle will push for a new and better way for young people to interact with the public sector, using AI and machine learning that adapts to the individual citizen’s needs.

Read more about Tech Circle challenge programs here.


The challenge course at Tech Circle

Open Call – Submit your bid for a possible solution in the period September 10 – October 31 when Tech Circle has an open call.

Selection – During November, a jury will select solutions that best match the city’s needs.

Pilot phase – The pilot phase runs from Dec. 6, 2024 to the end of May 2025 with the opportunity to experiment and co-create with Aarhus Municipality.

Presentation – The challenge is completed and the final solution is presented.


The post Calling all tech startups: Bring your innovative citizen service solutions for young people first appeared on TechSavvy.