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From software to container-sized batteries: Ecopark has room for green startups with big moves

Tech Savvy icon From software to container-sized batteries: Ecopark has room for green startups with big moves

The buildings used to be the heart of waste collection in Aarhus Municipality. Today, garbage trucks have been replaced by entrepreneurs developing their inventions and solutions in the 45,000 square meter innovation environment, which has focused on green entrepreneurship since 2005.

“The idea of waste, cleantech and innovation in relation to supporting the environment and climate has been a mindset since we opened, so we have a long history of thinking green. It has almost emerged organically, where we have become a natural choice for companies that develop and innovate in the green transition – those that provide technical solutions that help leverage climate goals,” says Jesper Bach, CEO of Ecopark.

Jesper Back, CEO of Ecopark

The special options for storage or workshop facilities attract a wide range of companies. Ecopark is home to both one-man software development companies and research-based spinouts developing large physical products such as container-sized batteries and satellite-controlled robots. Hardware plays a big role, because the sky is literally the limit. But the common denominator is green – and Ecopark is very appropriately located next to the green area at Hasle Bakker.

About Ecopark
– Ecopark is a flexible and innovative development park for entrepreneurs and companies based on green.
– The park opened in 2005 and has 45,000 square meters of offices and conference facilities as well as storage and workshop facilities.
– 40 companies and 220 employees have their daily work at Ecopark.

Bridging the gap from the big frame

With almost 20 years of experience, Ecopark has become an important link in the food chain for startups and innovative development in Aarhus.

“We have the framework for entrepreneurs who are a little further than the idea stage and ready to develop their products. We offer a flexible framework with development space in the form of warehouse and workshop areas, while at the same time offering shared office space and a development environment where there is a community,” explains Jesper Bach.

At the same time, Ecopark, which is run by Aarhus Environment Center, is well connected to the rest of the established business community in and around Aarhus, and tenants benefit from this.

“We see our role as a bridge builder between companies. We make an effort to know them well and try to point them to synergies – both with each other and out into the ecosystem – so we can be the link between the companies internally and out into the ecosystem,” says Jesper Bach.

3 Startup from Ecopark:

VisBlue – Sustainable energy storage for a world in balance

Who is VisBlue?

VisBlue is the battery industry’s green energy storage partner. We are a Danish scale-up of almost 20 employees, all working for a stable and green electricity grid for a world in balance.
Since 2019, we have built a track record of +150 installed flow batteries across Denmark, Portugal, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Italy and Czech Republic.

What is your impact?

Flow batteries are a proven technology that stores energy in a liquid consisting of 85 percent water with added acid and the mineral vanadium. With a 99 percent recycling rate and a lifetime of +20 years, we are proud to present a product portfolio with an LCA that shows that our flow batteries are a key economic, social and environmental tool in an electrified green energy future.

Why do you stay at Ecopark?

VisBlue is a spin-out from Aarhus and Porto University respectively. Today, we are located in Ecopark in Aarhus, where we benefit from the energy and sparring that the green entrepreneurial community brings. As a smaller company, it’s great to be able to spar with other green companies, and it’s reassuring to be able to offer your employees an inspiring work environment to develop and grow in.


Who is NGIN?

NGIN consists of the consulting company NGIN A/S and the robot and automation company NGIN Automation ApS. Together we focus on robots and automation. We are growing and constantly expanding our product portfolio.

What is your impact?

We are revolutionizing the manufacturing industry with advanced robotics that optimize work processes and improve the work environment. We bring the latest knowledge from universities to Danish companies.

Why do you stay at Ecopark?

Ecopark was chosen for its focus on sustainability and dynamic community. Here we have access to state-of-the-art facilities and a network that supports our growth and mission.


Who are you?

O-Robotics is a Danish robot OEM located in Ecopark. O-Robotics produces service robots and is developing its first product, a multifunctional autonomous mobile robot (AMR) for sustainable maintenance of paved areas, AMR-Sweeper.

What is your impact?

Denmark has more than 2,500 km2 of urbanized land, and although there are already +200,000 robotic lawnmowers in operation in Denmark, there are currently no automated solutions for paved areas.

Why do you stay at Ecopark?

Ecopark offers the perfect conditions for hardware startups, as very few startup ecosystems offer facilities that can house production and workshops.

The post From software to container-sized batteries: Ecopark has room for green startups with big moves first appeared on TechSavvy.