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Your rights

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Who is using your information?

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Data responsible:

Borgmesterens Afdeling
Erhverv og Bæredygtig Udvikling
Aarhus Kommune Erhverv

Rådhuspladsen 2
8000 Aarhus C

Telephone: +45 89 40 22 00


If you have any questions in connection to the processing of your data by Aarhus Kommune, please contact the advisor of data protection of Aarhus Kommune at:

Finally, we will inform you that it is possible to address a complaint to Datatilsynet about our processing of personal data at:

Startups to watch 2024: Four startups you should keep an eye on in Aarhus

Tech Savvy icon Startups to watch 2024: Four startups you should keep an eye on in Aarhus


Newly founded Naia create software enabling companies to reduce planet impact at the point of design. Their aim is to empower informed decision-making across the value chain through a shared language and model by making data available in a user-friendly and intuitive format. Naia is a science-driven company transforming global and abstract concepts into locally tangible contributions.

BattMan Energy

BattMan Energy is a clean energy developer specialized in deploying BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) on the utility grid, but also partner in several technologies such as PV, EV-chargers, Carbon Capture, Wind and PtX. The vision for BattMan Energy is to develop a world-class portfolio of utility-scale clean energy solutions, initially consisting of products focused on the ancillary services markets, and later also on energy generation.


Herodesk has set out to build a simple helpdesk tool for small and medium-sized businesses. It is a simple and affordable customer support tool that enables businesses to organize their customer support in one place. With the Herodesk tool they will have full control of their customer support and never miss another customer question, leading to happy and loyal customers.


Fruity-AI is a company created to peel away complexity and deliver cutting-edge solutions and make AI products more available to people and companies. They aim to bring the best AI solutions into the world by incorporating them in new products and solutions. Fruity-AI will simply make it possible for every company to ‘chat’ to their own data. Currently developing with five testing customers and even more in the pipeline for launch.

Aarhus’ startup environment in numbers

The post Startups to watch 2024: Four startups you should keep an eye on in Aarhus first appeared on TechSavvy.