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Tech that makes a difference: “It’s not something you just do”

Tech Savvy icon Tech that makes a difference: “It’s not something you just do”

How do you develop digital solutions for people who have difficulty expressing their own needs? This is the theme of a series of presentations at the event When Digital Solutions Make a Difference: Developing for People with Hard-to-Capture Needs, organized by Tech City Aarhus in collaboration with tech companies Mobilize Me and B-Near.

Mobilize Me has 13 years of experience developing digital solutions and apps for people with neurodivergence and other cognitive challenges, such as people with autism and ADHD.

“We make apps that are practical for people who need extra support and structure,” says Dorthe Stricker, CEO of Mobilize Me.

It’s all about effective interventions

For example, people with neurodivergence often need a fixed framework, predictable and visual communication. Mobilize Me develops a variety of solutions that make everyday life easier for the neurodivergent, family and support persons.

“It’s about making good, effective interventions for people who need support,” says Dorthe Stricker.

The primary customers for Mobilize Me are institutions, communities and schools, as the concept is tailored to have support persons attached. This in itself presents challenges that the company is forced to pay extra attention to when developing apps. For example, they have to pay extra attention to users’ personal data and GDP legislation.

“Developing for our users is not a straightforward process. So we want to share all the special considerations we need to think about when developing our products,” says Dorthe Stricker from Mobilize Me.

Learn more about solutions that make a difference

The event When Digital Solutions Make a Difference: Developing for People with Hard-to-Capture Needs will also feature speakers from the company B-Near. B-Near specializes in easy-to-use phone solutions for the elderly and people with dementia.

Like Mobilize Me, B-Near develops digital solutions for people with practical support in everyday life, but where the end user cannot provide direct feedback on the product. With this event, Dorthe Stricker from Mobilize Me wants to give a better understanding of both the potential and the challenges of developing this type of product.

“My hope is that participants can see how much help it can be for people with neurodivergence, but at the same time provide insight that it’s not something you just do,” she explains.

When Digital Solutions Make a Difference: Developing for People with Hard-to-Capture Needs takes place on Monday 17 February from 14:00 to 15:30 at Incuba Next in Aarhus. Read more and sign up at Tech City Aarhus here.


Indlægget Tech that makes a difference: “It’s not something you just do” blev først udgivet på TechSavvy.