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The Kitchen is flying: Record number of new startups

Tech Savvy icon The Kitchen is flying: Record number of new startups

The first Monday in September was a record-breaking day at The Kitchen, Aarhus University’s gathering place for entrepreneurs and startups. Here, students and researchers with great ideas can get help to get them off the ground with guidance and help with all aspects of entrepreneurial life. Founders’ Entry, which takes place on the first Monday of every month, is the first step for many of the members of The Kitchen – and this Monday in September, a new milestone was reached at the university’s startup hub.

Read also:
The Kitchen helps Aarhus startups find talent – TechSavvy

As many as 40 new members across 27 different new startups joined The Kitchen. This is the first time so many budding entrepreneurs have joined at the same time.

“Founders’ Entry has been running every month since The Kitchen opened. It’s a formal opportunity to learn more about us, sign up and get connected to a business developer who can help with your idea. On Monday, we had a record number of new Founders’ Entry members,” Jeppe Dørup Olesen, head of The Kitchen, tells TechSavvy.

There are now over 600 members, more than 250 startups and more than 150 cases where Aarhus University commercializes patented inventions in The Kitchen, which opened in 2020 in the former central kitchen at the municipal hospital. This year alone, 148 students and 11 researchers have joined the innovation hub.

Strong ecosystem is self-reinforcing

At The Kitchen, many are excited about the great interest in entrepreneurship among students at Aarhus University.

Read also: The Kitchen hires familiar face and experienced entrepreneur – TechSavvy

“Over the past four years, we have had a strong ambition to support innovation and entrepreneurship more. All our activities must make it easier and more interesting to be an entrepreneur. The great interest and the many new members show that it works,” says Jeppe Dørup Olesen.

However, he is far from convinced that The Kitchen can take all the credit for the many new students and researchers with entrepreneurial dreams. There are many players in the Aarhus ecosystem that together have a self-reinforcing effect.

“A lot has happened in the ecosystem with initiatives that have attracted attention and investment. We have a strong food chain that a lot of players can take credit for. At the same time, there is a strong trend of people wanting to create their own business or make a difference in the world with their idea or solution. At The Kitchen, we meet people who have a dream and who see that there are many opportunities as an entrepreneur,” says Head of The Kitchen, Jeppe Dørup Olesen.

The post The Kitchen is flying: Record number of new startups first appeared on TechSavvy.